There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be.
~ Robert Mueller, Director at the FBI

Despite spending over $170B last year, companies’ cybersecurity efforts are failing. Big Providers simply can’t keep up with cybersecurity due to the increasing complexity and cost, which makes the reality of data protection almost impossible. Plus, most security solutions often slow down business operations, complicate the accessibility of necessary data and still somehow manage to allow intruders entrance to the core systems. Simply put, breaches are increasing. And, the more cybersecurity “fixes” you buy, the more complicated your system gets and the more likely you are to get hacked.

So, how do you deal with the increasing threat landscape that is evolving faster than the ability to prevent breaches? The answer is to quit trying to use a magic “fix everything patch” to protect your data. It is imperative to address cybersecurity’s major issues and completely replace older methodologies with new, innovative data protection tools.

In order to avoid seeing the same problems over and over again, security professionals need to address the root problem that cybersecurity is often in the way. Too many people responsible for protecting the system have not been specifically trained in the newest cybersecurity procedures, and too many niche providers make it difficult to service the system due to lack of a central point of contact. In addition, changing security procedures often cause major business disruptions, and it may take months or years to adapt to any new attack.

According to the 2017 RedSeal Resilience Report, the threat landscape in cybersecurity is growing faster than security teams can respond, and that the lack of security preparation is pervasive. The report also exposed that 54% of companies believe they do not have the tools and resources they need and that 55% can’t react quickly enough to limit damage in the event of a major security incident. What we are realizing is that today’s cybersecurity methodologies are simply ineffective and that the threat landscape is growing exponentially due to the vast amount of gaping security holes and attack vectors from every angle. There is not a one-size-fits-all bandage that can repair the current systems, and older technologies and systems need to be replaced with data protection tools that offer more extensive protection from the root level.

Fortunately, there are new options on the market that are addressing these exact issues.  Instead of offering patches, they are completely revamping and replacing older technologies with brand-new processes that offer root level protection with the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technologies. They are able to offer full-stack, end-to-end AI-driven security across physical and virtual boundaries that continuously change and update the system without unwanted business disruptions. They also provide third party protection of critical devices and dynamic protection of communication rules as networks are being deployed. Small workflow agents are placed on every device, from cloud servers to the Internet of Things (IoT), and companies can control those agents through a remote management platform. And the best part of these innovative new data protection tools is that management can be maintained without major cybersecurity expertise. This means that cybersecurity can be run and supported by operations personnel that do not have to be specially trained in cybersecurity methodologies, and system data can still be protected at the highest level.

What all this really means is that adding more cybersecurity patches or bandaging an older system simply adds to the complexity and allows even more access points for breaches. The only way to address growing cybersecurity concerns is to ditch the older technologies and completely overhaul your systems with newer platforms and data protection tools that protect the system from root level. It may seem daunting to replace every piece of technology in your older system, but it is even more daunting to deal with a massive breach that allows intruders to steal all of your client’s personal data.