How Do You Respond?

Last week a report revealed that over 3,000 industrial plants had been infected with malware in 2016 and you might imagine that would freak people out.  Yet when we talk with potential customers, security is – at most – some annoying feature that they are being forced to implement.  Most facility owners think that their facility is completely safe, somehow impenetrable and conveniently unique amongst their peers.  These attitudes persist despite these articles, despite their lax security and despite the exponential growth in massive Industrial IoT hacks…

It is amazing how people respond and we wonder why?  Sure traditional security is a pain, always in the way, slows things down and invariably fails.  That excuse might be valid and yet these people buy into Bear’s ability to remain lightweight and stay out of the way.  Their response is not “finally, security in its proper place”, rather they always ask “Great you are secure…so what are you offering me that actually helps me out?”.

How do you respond to this attitude?

Look, Bear can do a LOT more – zero downtime maintenance, threat remediation automation, systemic optimization, etc…but that is not the point.  Why is the ability to provide guaranteed safe systems, with no unwanted business disruptions, not a sufficient service?  Yes, people purchase security monitoring/alert products for CYA reasons but they do not really want these products – they are typically forced to buy something…and anything will do.

We completely understand priorities – companies make money on what they produce and not what they protect.  Nobody outside of security makes it big, and clears their next sales goal, with a more secure product.  However, hackers are no longer a minor nuisance and they are severely impacting our ability to exist online.  It reminds me of a frog in a pot of water – if you turn the heat up slowly enough, the frog will literally boil to death without ever reacting.

The heat is now on high, enterprise, and you really need to leapfrog security to the top of your priority list.
