Attention Investors

Investors Need To Read This No this is not a gambit to raise money (yes we are raising but that is beside the point!).  If you are an investor in any tech company (or almost any company at all these days), you need to pay attention to the new GDPR laws the EU is about...

Fighting Privacy Fears

This Is Why Sales Stink As IoT companies continue to innovate and dazzle techies with unbelievable new features, one thing is not evolving – sales. The problem is that consumers are deathly afraid of losing what little privacy they have left. With local news and...

GDPR and Security

You Are Not Ready There are tons of articles talking about how most companies are not prepared for the GDPR enforcement.  Many companies are just not taking this seriously or not understanding how much work there is to do… That is understandable and, most...

The GDPR BotNet Nightmare

First The Attack In the news today, a new type of botnet has figured out how to spread to connected devices in a peer-to-peer manner.  This means that gaining access anywhere on a network will rapidly compromise the entire system.  This is a huge issue for hospitals...

Securing Your Customers

Big Potential…Flat Sales We have all heard about the powerful future of consumer connected devices – billions of devices catering to our every need.  Each year is going to be The Year when adoption skyrockets and we leap forward as a population. So what is...